Lifetime Kidsroom

Lifetime Kidsroom ist ein dänisches Familienunternehmen, das sich auf die Herstellung von Kindermöbeln für Kinder und Jugendliche spezialisiert hat, um ihnen die beste Umgebung zum Spielen, Lernen und Schlafen zu bieten. Alle Produkte sind individuell gestaltbar und können so an die Bedürfnisse und den Stil Ihres Kindes angepasst werden, um seine Träume wahr werden zu lassen. Nachhaltiges Denken und hohe Qualität sorgen für die Sicherheit Ihres Kindes.

Grows with your Child

Think kids furniture that you buy when your child is young and which lasts into young adulthood. For example, many of the kids beds are interchangeable, using the basic bed as it’s foundation. You can then add a guard and a hut, slide or canopy when your child is young, then when they want to be up high you can convert it to a loft bed. Moving into the teenage years, the bed can be transformed once again back down to a simple single bed. Sustainable thinking is therefore at the core of this brand.

Quality and Safety

All Lifetime Kidsroom furniture is made from high quality materials and fittings and are built to last for years, even when converted/moved many times. All kids beds are tested to ensure they reach recognised standards and a 5 year warranty is offered against manufacturing faults. With over 45 years of experience and a market worldwide, Lifetime Kidsroom truly are experts in this field.


Special selected sustainable wood from Northern Europe is used for all Lifetime Kidsroom furniture and only eco-friendly water-based lacquer is used to ensure a healthy and safe product. Renewable sources of energy are used in the production process, with windmills providing electricity for the factory and offices. The waste from the production process is used to heat up the factory. A Green Environmental Award was received in 2004 for their responsible and environmentally-friendly furniture.

„Wir sind stolz auf unsere dänische Qualität und Produktion, nur das Beste ist gut genug“

Lifetime Kids


Gründung von Lifetime Kids


Unterstützung der 17 globalen Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen


Verkauft in 35 verschiedenen Ländern weltweit

Cabin Bed with Beach House - Kids Bedroom - Lifetime Kids | Milola

Lifetime Kids

Unser Favorit

Hochbett mit Strandhaus

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